Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quotation Analysis #4

"'I'm so sorry, Henri,' I whisper in his ear. I close my eyes. 'I love you. I wouldn't have missed a second of it, either. Not for anything,' I whisper. 'I'm going to take you back yet. Somehow I am going to get you back to Lorien. We always joked about it but you were my father, the best father I could have ever asked for. I'll never forget you, not for a minute for as long as I love. I love you, Henri. I always did'" (437).

John says this to Henri as he is about to cremate Henri's corpse. This emotional scene shows John's true love for Henri and how much Henri meant to John. Henri was always kind and gave advice and did his best to keep John safe; he died keeping John safe by sacrificing himself. John and Henri's relationship is portrayed the best through this quote.

Literary Devices in Chapter 19-20

  • "Then I walk out and through the house and into the garage, which is dark and smells of gasoline and old grass clippings" (Lore 220).
  • "Various tools have rusted with disuse and hang on the Peg-Board walls. The truck sits in the center of the garage, covered with a large blue tarp that's coated with a thick layer of dust" (Lore 221).
  • "The truck is small, dark blue, room inside for only two people, or maybe a third if they don't mind an uncomfortable ride sitting in the center" (Lore 221).
  • "In the waning light I can see a river curling gently around that seems to cup the city, serving as the border to the east, south and west, and to the north lie hills and trees" (Lore 225).
  • "We stand looking up at the two-story house with gray vinyl siding. The front walk leads to an unpainted front porch with a broken swing hanging unevenly to the side. The grass is long and untended. It looks uninhabited, but there is a car in the driveway at the rear" (Lore 228).
  • "...just then a man walks out of the front door. He is huge, at least six feet six, two hundred fifty pounds. He has a goatee and his head is shaved. He's wearing work boots, blue jeans, and a black sweatshirt pulled up to his elbows. There is a tattoo on his right forearm, but I am too far away to see what it is. He spits into the yard, then turns around and locks the front door, walking off the porch and heading our way" (Lore 228).
  • "The windows are dark, each one covered with a white shade... There is a small concrete patio leading to a back door, which is locked... Overgrown weeds and bushes left over from summer" (Lore 230).
  • "The foul stench of dirty laundry covered in sweat that has never dried" (Lore 231).
  • "I hear somebody stand from a chair, the creak of footsteps on a hardwood floor approaching" (Lore 231).
  • "Glow-in-the-dark stars are stuck to the ceiling. They seem out of place, more like something belonging in a ten-year-old-girl's room" (Lore 233).
  • "The smell of mildew reaches my nose... The rafters are littered with cobwebs" (Lore 235).

Image Analysis #5

This is a magazine that Sam Goode reads avidly. When Henri and Sam are discussing alien conspiracy theories, Sam brings up the Mogadorians which puts Henri and Alex in a state of panic. Sam tells the two that he read the theory in the magazine They Walk Among Us, and Henri seeks out the publishing company in order to find how they are aware of the Mogadorians and their plot to take over Earth.

Image Analysis #4

This is the school that John attends while living in Paradise, Ohio. A large amount of the book occurs here, like John meeting his new friends in Paradise. The war in the final scene of the book also occurs here, and that is one of the key scenes of the novel.

Literary Devices in Chapter 4

  • "'Don't stand out or draw too much attention.' 'Just a fly on the wall'" (Lore 24).
  • "It's a beagle with tan floppy ears, white legs and chest, a slender black body. He's thin and dirty as if he's been living on his own. He rubs against my leg, whines, tries to get my attention" (Lore 27).
  • "He's fat and mostly bald, except for a few long hairs at the back and sides of his head. His belly reaches over his belt. His eyes are small and beady, set too close together" (Lore 29).
  • "His shoes click upon the newly waxed floor. The air smells like fresh paint and cleaner. Lockers line the walls" (Lore 31).
  • "'We're happy to have you. I like to think of us as a close-knit family'" (Lore 31).
  • "She is somewhere around sixty, wearing a pink wool sweater and red plastic glasses attached to a chain around her neck. She smiles widely, her hair graying and curly" (Lore 32).
  • "The needles feel like nails now. Nails that have been put in a furnace and heated up until they're glowing" (Lore 36).

Literary Devices in Chapter 3

  • "It is dark out, but there is a pale glow to the west. We pass by farms with horses and cattle, then barren fields, and beyond those, it's trees as far as the eye can see" (Lore 18).
  • "And then we find it, tucked away in overgrown vegetation, a rusted silver mailbox with black lettering painted on the side of it that reads '17 Old Mill Rd'" (Lore 19).
  • "Weeds grow throughout the gravel drive, which is littered with potholes filled with tawny water" (Lore 19).
  • "In the dark there is an eerie look to it, like whoever last lived in it was scared away, or was driven away, or ran away" (Lore 20).
  • "The house is one story. Wooden clapboard. Most of the white paint has been chipped away. One of the front windows is broken. The roof is covered with black shingles that look warped and brittle. Three wooden stairs lead to a small porch covered with rickety chairs. The yard itself is long and shaggy. It's been a very long time since the grass was last mowed" (Lore 20).
  • "Inside most of the furniture is covered with white sheets. Those that aren't covered are coated with a thick layer of dust and dead insects. The screens in the windows look brittle to the touch, and the walls are covered with cheap plywood paneling. There are two bedrooms, a modest-sized kitchen with lime green linoleum, one bathroom. The living room is large and rectangular, situated at the front of the house. There's a fireplace in the far corner. I walk through and toss my bag on the bed of the smaller room. There is a huge faded poster of a football player wearing a bright orange uniform. He's in the middle of throwing a pass, and it looks like he's about to get crushed by a massive man in a black and gold uniform" (Lore 21).

Literary Devices in Chapter 2

  • "It is light pink, almost like cake frosting, sitting ten feet above the ground on wooden stilts. A palm tree sways in the front" (Lore 10).
  • "He is wearing khaki shorts and a black polo. He is very tan, with an unshaven face that seems downcast" (Lore 10).
  • "I'll even miss the smell of sulfur from the rotting seaweed at the base of the shore, the way that it fills the house and penetrates our dreams while we sleep" (Lore 12).
  • "The waters pass below us. They are calm and the moonlight is shimmering on the small waves, creating dapples of white in the crests" (Lore 14).