Sunday, September 15, 2013

Roleplay #2 - Henri

Number 4 has been scaring me lately.
In short terms, he's growing up... more quickly than with what I'm comfortable with. He's started to agree with what I tell him, unlike when he was younger, when he would obey my instructions. He's beginning to make his own choices and - sometimes - go against my own wishes.
And that would be okay, if we were normal humans, or if we were still living on Lorien. I'd let him grow up and find himself. That would be fine.
But the thing is, we're not. We're aliens living on Earth and we're being hunted. It's especially unsafe for him to go against (some) of my explicit actions with his powers forming. He doesn't know what he's capable of. I do.
Hopefully he'll listen to more of what I say. I'll talk to him when he gets home from school.


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