Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quotation Analysis #4

"'I'm so sorry, Henri,' I whisper in his ear. I close my eyes. 'I love you. I wouldn't have missed a second of it, either. Not for anything,' I whisper. 'I'm going to take you back yet. Somehow I am going to get you back to Lorien. We always joked about it but you were my father, the best father I could have ever asked for. I'll never forget you, not for a minute for as long as I love. I love you, Henri. I always did'" (437).

John says this to Henri as he is about to cremate Henri's corpse. This emotional scene shows John's true love for Henri and how much Henri meant to John. Henri was always kind and gave advice and did his best to keep John safe; he died keeping John safe by sacrificing himself. John and Henri's relationship is portrayed the best through this quote.

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