Saturday, September 14, 2013

Character Analysis - Bernie Kosar

Bernie Kosar is a Chimæra. Chimæras are an animal species native to Lorien. They can transform into any animal. It is suspected that some of these animals traveled to Earth with the ship that brought the Garde children and their Cepans. Bernie Kosar serves as a sort of guardian for Henri and John.
While living in Florida, John remembers a certain lizard that seemed to follow him wherever he went. He thought this was absurd as there were many lizards in Florida, but he was sure that this lizard followed him as he went to school. Later, this lizard is revealed to be Bernie Kosar.
While in Ohio, a stray beagle comes up to John on the first day of school. This same dog appears at John and Henri's house and walks inside. John and Henri decide to keep it. During the school year, John would run to school (running at speeds up to 70 mph) with Bernie Kosar running alongside him. John found it strange that a dog could run so fast but accepted it. Only until the end of the book does John find out it is a Chimæra. During the war, a large beast is about to attack and eat a weakened John. Everything seems hopeless until Bernie Kosar stands in front of John and transforms into a dragon to fight the beast. Through telepathy, Bernie Kosar tells John to get away for his safety. This is also when John discovers his ability to communicate with animals through the mind.
Furthermore, John has a flashback to when he was young and still living on Lorien. He remembers playing in the fields with Hadley, or Bernie Kosar's original name. Hadley would transform into various animals to play with John.
When John left Ohio, Bernie Kosar went alongside him to serve as protection.

"Bernie Kosar." I Am Number Four Wiki. Wikia Entertainment, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2013. 

"Chimæra." I Am Number Four Wiki. Wikia Entertainment, n.d. Web. 14 Sept. 2013.

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