Sunday, September 15, 2013

Roleplay #4 - Number Four

Today was my first day of school in Paradise, Ohio. It's such a small town that our real estate agent's daughter, Sarah, found me straight away at school. She's beautiful, to say the least. Sarah was really the only one who seemed to welcome me in the school, except for some other kid (more on that later).
I think I'm developing a large crush on Sarah. She's very kind and told me about how she used to date the quarterback but realized there was more to life than just being popular. She makes me laugh and she makes me happy, and when I'm around her I get really nervous. This is bad because it will make leaving Paradise hard, but these feelings are worth it.
The other kid that talked to me today was a nerdy kid. He seems to be into aliens and cosmic-related things. After I talked to Sarah, Mark (Sarah's ex) hit me with his backpack. The kid came up and told me I would be better off not getting involved with Sarah because Mark gets really jealous. Thanks for the concern, bud, but I'm not scared considering I have superhuman strength and could easily fend him off.
I may befriend him tomorrow. He seems low-key and it's better to stay under the radar so I can leave more easily.


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