Sunday, September 15, 2013

Book Review

"I Am Number Four is the first in the Lorien Legacies series about nine alien kids with special powers, or Legacies, from the planet Lorien, who are hiding on Earth from the Mogadorians. The Mogadorians are sinister beings who want to kill them and destroy Earth like they destroyed Lorien.
Three of the nine kids have been killed, and Number Four, the protagonist of this book, is next.
The mysterious author, Pittacus Lore, is described on the back cover of the book as Lorien’s ruling Elder and having been on Earth for the last 12 years, preparing for the war with the Mogadorians.
Now obviously this book is a work of fiction, but I like the idea that it could be true. Do I believe that there are aliens? Of course I do. The universe is so vast, I think we’d be arrogant to think that we’re the only intelligent life forms living in it.
Do I think that this particular story about the Loriens and the Mogadorians is believable though? Not so much, even factoring in suspension of belief and all that. I mean, forget about all the super powers, healing stones, shape-shifting animals, and all that stuff for a moment. It’s the simple details that gets me.
Firstly, every time Number Four and Henri, his guardian, have to move, they move within the United States. Why? Why can’t they move to some other country in some other continent? Wouldn’t that be more effective if they really wanted to hide from the Mogadorians?
I understand that there are nine other Lorien Legacies and if they meet each other, the spell that they can only be killed off in the order of their numbers will be broken, but I’m quite sure that there are more than nine countries on Earth.
Secondly, just how clueless can Number Four be that he fails to notice that Bernie Kosar isn’t a regular dog? The dog runs into one part of the woods and then appears from the other side; don’t you think that’s more than just “peculiar”? Wouldn’t a supposedly intelligent person have guessed that there was more to Bernie Kosar, especially since he had already seen the Lorien animals in his dream-memories?
Also, the way the Mogadorians were described, and the way they killed so easily and so quickly before, with Numbers One to Three, you’d think that with so many of them surrounding Number Four and his friends, that they’d be killed just as easily.Sure, the difference is that Numbers Four and Six have gotten their legacies already, but seriously, as ruthless and strong as the Mogadorians are, how are Mark and Sarah able to get close enough to hurt them, much less kill them, so extremely easily and without getting hurt themselves?
I won’t even go into character development, except to say that most of the characters were shallow and not very likable. I liked Bernie Kosar though; I thought he was the best character in the book.There are so many problems with this book that make it hard for me to really enjoy it, but I won’t go into all of them. I’m sure it will make for a great movie with all the special effects and all, but I expected a lot more from the book." -Betty Wong

I Am Number Four is about one alien kid of nine total that are destined to save their native planet. They have all been moved to Earth and are hunted by a different alien species - the Mogadorians. The Mogadorians used all of the resources from their own planet, Mogadore, and took over Lorien to have more resources. All of the Lorien inhabitants were killed except for the nine Garde children and their Cepans sent to Earth.
The Mogadorians seek to take over Earth for its resources as well, but first the nine Garde children must be killed. The first three kids have been killed which means Number Four, or John, is next.
I first heard about this book through my friends with similar book tastes. I picked it up, read the first few pages and was immediately hooked. The novel is a bit slow-moving at first, but I find the plot unique and worth reading. Once the book brought the Mogadorians in and closer to John and Henri, it became much more exciting and interesting.
Pittacus Lore's writing style is easy to understand and the characters he creates are relatable and likable. The characters also have negative traits as well instead of being the epitome of a perfect character. I did not find anything bad about the book except for the vocabulary - it may have been a bit too easy. Also, some of the romantic parts were a little too cliche.
Overall, I Am Number Four mixes romance, suspense and action very well. It is a good read if you are into fantasy and/or sci-fi novels. I know that I liked this book enough to read the rest of the series.

Wong, Betty. "Book Review: "I Am Number Four" by Pittacus Lore." Blogcritics.
                 Blogcritics, 16 May 2011. Web. 15 Sept. 2013.

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