Sunday, September 15, 2013

Quotation Analysis #2

"'I wouldn't have missed a second of it, kiddo. Not for all of Lorien. Not for the whole damn world,' he says, and when that last word leaves his mouth I know that he is gone" (424).

Henri tells John this as Henri is dying. He was hit by a Mogadorian weapon and John gently holds him as he lies on the ground. Henri was a father figure to John and was the only constant in his life. He always provided John with advice and fatherly comfort. This quote was Henri's last words to John in the war. It sums up Henri and John's relationship with one another.
In the book, their relationship is a huge component as to what happens and how the events play out. The two put each other before anything and anyone else. If something happens to one, the other goes out to find and save them. Henri and John are easily best friends as they travel together. When Henri was killed, John was upset and resolved to survive and restore Lorien.

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